Stellenangebot [Brüssel, Deadline 15.3.2013]: Rechercheassistent/in am Cegesoma

Das Cegesoma Brüssel sucht zum 1.Mai 2013 ein/e Rechercheassistent/in im Projekt „(Forced) labour and colonial justice in Belgian Congo, 1940-1945”. Voraussetzung sind ein Masterabschluss in Geschichte sowie Sprachkenntnisse in Niederländisch, Französisch und Englisch. Das Projekt läuft bis zum 31.12.2014.

Aus der Projektbeschreibung:

    „This project wants to study the role of justice in the employment policy of indigenous populations in the Belgian Congo between 1940 and 1945. It will analyze the way in which the judicial system was or was not put in the service of the colonial project of exploitation, and to measure its impact on the colonized populations, specifically in the framework of the war effort. The project will be centred around three research axes that are not generally studied in their interaction with each other: labour, the exercise of justice, and the colonial dimension both from the side of the colonizers on the field, as well as and foremost from that of the colonized population.“

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